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 I want to make some contribute to

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MessageSujet: I want to make some contribute to   I want to make some contribute to I_icon_minitimeMer 3 Aoû - 8:15

Hello. This is a Nero burn log so I assume you are using Nero and not Decrypter to burn with.A TRF error is caused by this version of Nero, Nero, when Shrink is set to autoburn with Nero.Uninstall it and run Nero's clean tool. Make sure you have your Nero serial number written down somewhere: this version is known to cause problems as well. In this case I don't think it is, but you should be aware of this.Thanks to Gwendolyn for the information I put in this post.Frank 10 Mar 2006 @ 10:12My website- featuring Guides by Alkohol, bbmayo, ScubaPete and me.
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